Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh my clavicles....

I have officially burned out my legs. Two days in a row with squatting included in the workout.
My left shoulder feels even worse today. Any forward/back left/right movement send this painful pinching feeling down my arm. It clicks with any up/down movement. So I was not looking forward toward the Cleans and Burpees.

Today's WOD: Gypsy Cab

First we warmed up with an 800m run, then...
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20 minutes of:

10 Hang Squat Cleans (145lbs)
10 Wall Balls 14lbs

Average rounds logged (103 users): 5 rounds
I did 4 rounds + 8 HSC's

I need to work on my cleans. The bar kept landing on my collar bone and now when I press along it (mostly the left side)...I notice a dent/dip/bruise. Oh man. No bueno.

First 3 RDS I did the WOD unmodified. But I guess Laurie noticed my constant wincing and quick shoulder massages after getting up from burpees.
So come my 4th round she modified the burpees with Star Jumps (still killer on the legs), and halfway through the Wall Balls she changed out my Med Ball from 14lbs to 12 lbs.
I won't be able to see a PT till Monday afternoon, so until then I'll need to modify push-ups, pull-ups, thrusts, burpees.....

Thanks Laurie and Kristina for another killer day and for helping me with my HSC form. I know I still need to work on this. That bar shouldn't be landing on my dang clavicle! No more dents =P

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