Thursday, December 4, 2008

All I want for Christmas.......

1) A permanent FTE job (really.....I want a career) please!!!

Really though.....

With Christmas rolling around, and being so accustomed to buying and receiving all these presents from friends and family, it's difficult to NOT participate in the shopping rush.

I admit...I went shopping on Black Friday. Heck, I even went shopping with sissy last night (and took advantage of a few sales)! Could I have done without? Yes. (I like shopping ok?)
I do feel a bit guilty indulging my retail cravings...... and although I have purchased things for myself and am shopping for close friends and my family....

All I ask this year for my Christmas present is..........
Nothing. For me at least. As much as I love STUFF....
I don't really "need" anything. I have a job (for now). I have a roof over my head (for now). I have the means to buy enough food. I don't really "NEED" presents this Christmas.

So.... if you're wondering what you could get me for Christmas... do this instead:

Donate food and/or baby formula/food to Northwest Harvest ( So many families can't afford to buy themselves or their family enough food for the week.
I just read a story today about a couple who could not afford to buy any more baby formula to supplement what they were already receiving from WIC. So they figured to make the formula last longer, they would water it down. Little did they know that this was actually harming the baby more than it was helping.

"Jerri Moss of Tampa had been watering down her 5-month-old baby’s formula to make it stretch further. Last week, she said he curled up in pain and stopped breathing. Emergency room doctors say he had water intoxication and that if he had gone one more hour without treatment, he would have died. Too much water can basically lower the sodium content and lower the ratio of other electrolytes in the blood and that can lead to seizures and other problems. It can even be fatal."

So many people can't provide themselves or their families with basic necessities anymore because of today's economy. It breaks my heart knowing there are so many who once could.... but cannot today.

I may not have much money myself.....but I like to believe that I can do enough to help even just 1 person. 1 family.
Fortunate to work at a company that is big on giving, I've been able to coordinate a food drive and a Giving Tree where folks have the opportunity make someones Christmas wish come true this year.

That's what you can do for me this Christmas. Give to someone else that needs "it" more. Be it food, clothing, or a toy.....
Give to the food bank.... to a shelter..... buy a gift for a foster child or a struggling family/single parent.

I'm blessed with "just enough." And that's a good enough gift for me. =)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Somehow I DID IT!

I wanted to fit into a pair of jeans that I purchased small as my "motivating" clothing piece. I haven't had a chance to work out in 2.5 weeks, except for the one morning me and sissy worked out a few days ago.

I still watched what I ate.

So Thanksgiving day rolls around, and even though I haven't done a good job in keepping up with my work outs, for sh*ts and giggles I decide to try on the jeans.

HOLY CRAP THEY FIT!!! Still a bit of a muffin top going on but THEY BUTTON!
When I first got them, the button and the hole was a good 2 inches apart. (Sad huh).


Once I'm done with this class come Monday, hopefully I can get some time to work out regularly.

Yay.....they fit =)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back from being MIA.....

I got off schedule the past 2 weeks. One week, I was caught up in the birth of Alexis. So spent time with the Zamora/Martelino family.
The next week I had a horrible headache that turned into a migraine that last 2 days. I've been feeling light headed and dizzy since.
So although I didn't make it to the gym, I still did pretty good in not eating bad.

Worked out with Rhonda after work today. Still didn't feel right. Head still feels weird. Light headed... dizzy.... I just feel off still.
Didn't really have a work out plan...we just did stuff =P Half hour weights then half hour cardio.
I just couldn't do anymore. =/ WTH is wrong with me? *sigh*

See how I feel tomorrow......

Monday, November 3, 2008

2 Birthdays today...

Happy birthday to my Mama and.......

Welcome to the world Alexis Martelino! The proud parents welcomed this pretty lil girl this morning at Evergreen Hospital (she almost made an appearance on 405!).

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No gym in 3 days...

Horrible! Just horrible. Last time was Saturday.
Sunday... hung out at the Zamora's then home to bring sicky some food.
Tuesday...I was just feeling sluggish. I drove towards the gym with the intention to go and workout. Got home...ate my Turkey Sammich from Jimmy John's and fell asleep within an hour =P. *sigh*

I didn't have breakfast today. I ran out of oatmeal yesterday and I forgot to bring more for today. So just had water. Sad =/
Lunch - Turkey meatballs and 1/4C wheat pasta.

Met up with Sissy Rhonda at the gym...been a long time since our last workout together!
Did some arms, abs w/medicine ball and 45 min of cardio.

Got a 7am meeting tomorrow and still need to do 1 more posting so......

Monday, October 27, 2008

Week 4

Started class last week, so been trying to figure out a good schedule/routine so I don't miss the gym too much.

Didn't get to work out last Thursday. I was exhausted Friday cuz I barely slept the night before. I DID go in on Saturday and got an hour of cardio yay for that.

Saturday night went to the Parlor for Robelyne's 30th bday. Good tams. SOMEONE puked all the way home....AND THIS TIME IT WASN'T ME!!! =P

Sunday... had lunch at the Zamora's house with Janelle and G. Chilled there for awhile then back home to the sicky one.

Finished up my postings for the day and tried to get started on my assignment that's due frikkin' tonight! =P EEEEK!

Gym today? We'll see.....

Breakfast - Usual oatmeal & V8

Lunch - Frikkin cold in my office so I'm giving in to having a hot bowl of Nong Shim Kimchi Soup =) Mmmmmmmmm......AND LOTSA WATER

Dinner - Spicey ahi poke, brown rice, wakame salad

Didn't go to the gym today. Bad I know. But I have an assignment to get in tonight and I haven't even started it yet! =/

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another 3 lbs....

Weighed myself this morning and lost another 3 lbs...yipee! Still can't see much PHYSICAL difference but hey... I'm getting there right? AT LEAST I HOPE SO.

9:15 - Usual bfast: Oatmeal, V8, Water


Not really hungry today..... stuff on my mind.
Left work an hour early since there was nothing to do, so i just logged on and WFH for another hour to get in my 8 hrs. It was blah day so I helped myself to a:

1 Skinny Cow Ice Cream Cone
Dinner - Korean noodle soup (I'm freezing)


More homework.......


9am - Oatmeal, V8, 32 oz Water
Lunch with Mel @ Maggianos
We split the Chicken Pesto Pasta (still didn't finish that), calamari (hella left over) and a couple pieces of bread w/evoo & balsamic vinegar

GYM - 1 hr cardio and some legs

Ate din pretty late - 2 pieces of Turkey Meatballs in red sauce.

Did a posting....called it a nite.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back In Class....

Didn't work out today. Things came up with work plus it's the first night for my next class, Enterprise Risk. I have quite a few chapters to read tonight.

9:30a.m - Oatmeal, V8, & 64 oz. Water
SNACK - 2/3C Chex mix
3:15p.m - Wheat thins & 1 Lite Laughing Cow Wedge
...I had some more stupid Chex mix...out of boredom not hunger. I need to cut this bad habit too =/
6:45p.m - Korean noodle soup with an egg

Dinner wasn't healthy today. I was freezing all day at work (and I had my jacket on all day) and freezing when I got home...I needed something HOT!

Off to study.....g'nite!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 3

9:30a.m - Oatmeal, V8

Drank 64 oz of water

1:50pm (Snack) - 2/3 C Chex mix (130 Calories) and another 32 oz of water
4:40p.m - Another 32 oz of water (1 gallon!) and Turkey Sloppy Joe w/wheat pita

Heading to the gym in an hour so...I NEED FOOD! Do an hour of cardio today...
30 min run / 30 min Elliptical
Do a little of everything today: Abs / Arms/ Legs

Goal is to fit these damn jeans before Thanksgiving. I have about an inch to go....:

Another Wknd In....

Liam woke up at 5:30am.... so of course I got up with him. He was WET. So had to change his heavy pee'd in diaper =P We played for a bit then gave him a bottle around 6:30. He went back to sleep shortly after finishing that up (thank gawd!).
Woke up again by 8:00, and Liam's Uncle called to pick him up....NOW.
So I get dressed and meet up with his Uncle. Lil monkey is gone =(

Brian wanted breakfast so I pick up Jack 'n The Crack. I had:

Breakfast - French Toast sticks (with no syrup) and some hash brown bites (bad i know)
I drank a lot of water...I don't remember eating lunch =P

I head to the gym (Yes I went on a weekend!) to get in some cardio and weight training.
Did some much needed grocery.

Snack - Handfull of raw almonds on the way home
Dinner - Brian wanted Papa Murphy's again so I picked up a delite Chicken & Artichoke w/Mozza Cheese. I only had 1 slice. I filled up on salad and lots of water.
Dessert - Skinny Cow Cone


Breakfast - Bowl of Cereal
Lots of water
Late lunch (4p.m) - Turkey sloppy joes on a 1/2 a wheat pita and salad

Went to church....

B wanted fast food so we hit up McD's after church (bad again...ugh)

Dinner - McDooDoo 1 Honey Mustard Snack Wrap w/Grilled Chkn and some damn fries =/ (this isn't helping me)
Dessert - Sugar Free Jello Cup with low fat/sugar whipped cream
MORE WATER the rest of the night

Friday, October 17, 2008

Another weekend coming up....

9:30a.m - Oatmeal, V8, and Green tea
Lunch - Korean Tofu Seafood Soup
Dinner - Wheat pasta w/chicken and brocolli in lite mushroom sauce
And drank 1.5 gallon of water during the whole day to keep me "full."

We had Liam for the night so didn't get a work out in today.


Thursday, October 16, 2008


I need to workout more. I need...I need...I NEED TO!

9:30a.m - Oatmeal, V8, Green Tea
Noon snack: 2/3C Chex Mix
2:15p.m - Turkey Sandwish on Wheat w/mustard; 1 serving of Baked Ruffles, Green Tea
Snack - Wheat thins w/1 Lite Laughing Cow

Despite feeling tired and lazy, I still brought my butt to the gym to get my membership going again! I was going to just complete a contract, but I brought my clothes so why not hop on the treadmill at least, right?
I actually ran for 20 min straight! Surprised even myself with that =P After that 20 min., I walked on an steep incline for another 25 min. It felt GREAT being back in the gym =)
Did some arms, then ended my workout with some leg presses.
It felt really good working out again. I'll start up with my trainer again here soon... so he can push me till I throw up like before =P Thanks Jason (I think).

Dinner - Grilled chicken noodle salad bowl from Pho Tai & a skinny cow for dessert

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Stupid me...I drank that 3rd cup of Regular Green Tea last night instead of my Caffeine Free Green Tea...and my ass COULD NOT sleep! I think I finally was able to get sleepy around 3:30a.m/4a.m =/ So tired. =/

9:55a.m - Oatmeal, 1 6oz. can of V8, and Green Tea
2:15P.M - Vegetable paella
SNACK - Wheat things and 1 Lite Laughing Cow Wedge

I'm not very hungry when I'm this tired.

Din at the Zamora's house again since Janelle and G will be there this time. It's G's bday this Friday so I picked up a Chocolate Ice Cream Pie. Mmmmmmmmmmm....

Once again Auntie made shrimp and chicken lumpia (I had none) and panko baked tilapia (i had none). What i DID have...

Dinner - 1 bowl of Auntie's soup (Chicken stock, noodles, bak choy, shrimp balls and shreds of chicken) with about 1/2C of brown rice....and lots of water

I did have a slice of the pie...CELEBRATION! Mind you.... before I would have given in to having maybe 2 pieces... but I had my one small slice. So...I do need to work this off =P
I <3 sweet treats.....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2.5 lbs!...

It's been a bit over a week and I weight myself this morning and....
I've lost 2.5 lbs! It's not much but it's a step in the right direction =)
If I can keep this consistent... then I can do 10lbs a month....we will see.

Had din at Brian's parents house...the worst meal I've eaten all day. Had a little pancit, about 1/4C of brown rice, a slice of a veggie sammich (spread with hummus), and a lot of water. She made lumpia I can eat...another weakness. Normally I'd eat like I know I shouldn't have had any...but I had 1. And just 1. I passed on her dessert (peach cobbler).

Home now and I still feel bloated. Had 2 cups of green tea at work, so I'll have my 1 more cup tonight to make it my 3 for the day.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Unproductive Weekend...

Saturday morning, I woke up with the intention of keeping the day healthy. I get up 9:30ish and make myself breakfast

Breakfast - Chiaquiles (my "healthy" version)

I clean up the kitchen, get the dogs fed. straighten up a bit, and plan to go for a jog after letting my breakfast settle at least an hour./
Brian wakes up (finally) so I hang out with him a bit. We eat the rest of the spring rolls in the fridge. I notice there's still shrimp left over, so I make more spring rolls so that all the shrimps are used up.
I got more munchies... so I gave in to a fun bag of chocolate skittles. I have another. And then another. DAMMIT!
Brian turns on this documentary about Wal-Mart and how bad it is for the economy... makes you not want to shop there anymore....even tho some things ARE cheaper there. Eh... I won't shop there anymore.
That's over... then he finds another movie "Outsources." Some puraw/bumbay movie. It was cute. There's goes a good 3 hrs of my time.....
Still thinking of jogging, instead I'm hungry again, so I eat the rolls I made earlier.
5pm rolls around and I finally get myself together to actually go out for a jog but then...
My mom comes by and brings us some food she grabbed at a party she just came from.
So me and Brian eat again....

1 bowl of Arroz Caldo / 1 piece of almond chicken / some breaded garlic shrimp thing (brian ate that)

It's dark now. I'm full, lazy, and cold. So much for jogging today =/

I have another damn bag of skittles... *sigh*

Fall asleep halway through Capote. Head upstairs around 3:30a.m........

I do better today! I get up at a decent hour (and Brian STILL sleeping as usual) and make myself a veggie omelet and finish watching Capote

10am - 3 egg white/1 yolk with onions, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach

Nukka is up and about as I just finished the movie. We watch the end of the CHI vs. ATL football game. Freaking awesome win by Chicago!
I WENT JOGGING TODAY! Well.... you know... my jog walk. First mile I take r-tard Reesey with me. She pulls too much and it's hard to run with her right. Stupid dog sees a cat on a fence and yanks my damn arm. Stupid dog....
We get back to the house and I drop her off and do another 1.5 mile jog/walk without her.
I feel much better. Think I worked off 2 stupid bag of Skittles from yesterday (I hope)!

Brian wants me to pick him up some Papa Murphy's so I head out to do some other shopping as well. Get out of the house for a bit =)

Pick up some stuff at Target and some of their wonderful popcorn!
Get Brian his meat pizza and cheesy bread.
That was my dinner today...3 pieces of Cheesy bread with my "tea".
Grilled some eggplant for tomorrow along with 1 C wheat pasta w/turkey meatballs.

Unproductive weekend =P Gonna go fold some laundry before I go to bed. Got a 7:30a.m meeting tomorrow....


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Potluck Friday

Woke up late again so by the time I got to work I was on the go go go that I didn't have my usual oatmeal/banana/greentea breakfast.

Our PA Team held a potluck today. Lots of different foods from different backgrounds (of course 90% of the dishes were bumbay). I brought fresh vietnamese spring rolls (I was not going to fry up lumpia)!
I did pretty good at the potluck I think. I didn't stack up my plate with a lot of food nor did I even try any desserts. I had about a 2 TBSP of some bumbay rice, 3 small bites of buttered chicken (first time trying and it wasn't bad!), and 2 pieces of anitpesto grilled eggplant on top of 1 small slice of baguette. Probably the worst (healthwise) thing I ate was this salmon spread which I spread on 2 slices of baguette. Bad for me but ooo so tasty.
Normally, I would have piled up my plate with bread and this dip...but I resisted. I also allowed myself 4 pieces of bbq chips.
And that's all folks...that was it for potluck food for me! Small bites of just a few things and NO dessert. Not I'd have to say I'm pretty proud of myself.

Get home 5:30ish and have myself 2 spring rolls. Watch a little tv for about half an hour, then I get ready to go for a mile run/walk. This time I would run 2-3 blocks, walk for about 20 seconds, then repeat. I did this the whole mile. 25 minute mile. HORRIBLE =/ improvement at least. I've got 2 months before the Jingle Bell run. I can do this....I WILL DO THIS.
I just need to start conditioning myself to running up hill now too.

So I get home from my run, and I do this 15 min ab workout off FitTV. She incorporated some pilates moves too (ouch)...but a good ouch =)
I also looked for a leg/butt workout to do too.

9ish I have another spring roll with nore (yum!) then snakced on a Sugar Free Jello cup.
11:30ish I have the munchies again so I eat the rest of my ground turkey.
And ended my night with Dieters Tea.

That's it for my food intake for Friday....

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Krispy Kreme Morning....

Started SUPER EARLY today. My org coordinated to hold a GIVE campaign at my bldg from 8-10a.m .... and so I ordered 13 dozen donuts to pick up from Krispy Kreme at 7 a.m for the GM and CIO to pass out to everyone along with a GIVE card as people stroll in . *drooool* These donuts smelled so damn good! BUT....I resisted and didn't have one...yet?! I WILL NOT GIVE IN TO THE DONUT =P

10a.m - Oatmeal w/banana and a cup of green tea


12:30 - Lunch at (keep it somewhat healthy right?)
Busy the rest running around that I didn't have any mid-day snack...just water.

Left work by 4:30, stopped by Target to buy some necessities, came home and ate:

6ish: Ground turkey with tomatoes and onions wrapped in wheat tortilla.
*fun size Chocholit Skittles (BAD I KNOW BUT I LOVE EM...and it's a small bag!)

One of the teams in my bldg is holding a potluck tomorrow so I'm making fresh spring rolls. DAMN FLIMSY VEETENAM WRAPPERS =P
After about 3 or 4 practice rolls, I finally get the hang of it and wrap 18 rolls =)
And so of course...I ended up eating the 3 jacked looking rolls =P I guess that's my dinner/late snack.

I'm not doing very well with this eating 5 small healthy meals am I? =/
Think I'll go back to Evolution to reactivate my account. It is just getting way to cold and wet to be running outside all the time =P
And those that know me I have a crap ass immune system!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Late day....

Well I didn't make that turkey sandwich I said I would have for lunch today =P

Rolled out of bed at 7:50a.m (LATE)... got to work at 9a.m. I feel sluggish.

I didn't keep track of the times today but here's what I had:

Breakfast: Oatmeal & Banana and Green Tea
Strawberries w/ 1 Lite Laughing Cow Wedge and carrots w/ Fat Free Thousand Island Dressing
Snack: Granola Bar
Dinner: Spicey Ahi Poke with a roll of gim-bahp (Korean Sushi Roll)
Late Snack: Bowl of Cereal

Didn't work out at all...NOTHING =/ I don't know why but I just been feeling so sluggish the past 2 days. *sigh* G'nite folks.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

+ Green Tea?

I actually got up early this morning and made it to Bldg 109 right at 7:50 a.m AND the first of my group to get there for the Giving Campaign!
On my drive over I downed a Starbucks 6.5oz LITE Double Shot Espresso & Cream ...DIDN'T WORK! I'm still sleepy as hell =/ I am now regretting drinking those extra calories...DAMMIT!

Back to my bldg around 9:40a.m...

Green Tea is supposed to help with your metabolism right? So going to try and drink 3 cups a day.

9:50a.m - Oatmeal and 1 banana and a cup of Green Tea

Meeting up with miss Jacqueline for lunch today.... pho! Lots of sodium I know... but I'll drink my gallon of water today I swear! It's chilly...I want hot shoop =)

1:40p.m - Small Seafood Pho @ Pho Hoa
4:45pm - (home now) Snack: 16 Wheat thins with a wedge of Lite Laughing Cow
5:30pm - rest of left over spicey chicken and white rice (I know...BAD)
9:30ish p.m - A bowl of corn flakes and almonds

I started watching the Presidential Town-Hall debate and I dozed off a bit during the middle of it all. My body is still tired so I ended up just having a bowl of cereal. Looks like lunch tomorrow will be a turkey sammich and a pickle... perhaps a salad too.

It's 11:40p.m. ...I guess I should get to bed. I like getting out of work early =)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Food: Week 1/ Day 2

Got a late start this morning and forgot my waterbottle at home *ugh*. Ideally I would like to get up early and do at least a quick 30 minute cardio before work.... still working on making this a reality =P Spending late nights doing homework. I have an assignment due by 11pm that I havent started yet and I don't really understand it doing some kind of workout today might be impossible. We will see......

9:30a.m - Bowl of Oatmeal and a 6oz. can of V8
11:45p.m - Celery sticks and 1 Lite Laughing Cow Wedge
12:15p.m - Dammit this halloween candy dish! I gave in *sigh*
1 "fun size" bag of skittles (Suger 30g/ Total Fat 1.5g/ Carbs 36g)
2p.m - LUNCH: 1C wheat pasta wth turkey meatballs/red sauce & side of 1/2C steamed brocolli and 1 Jello Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding

6:20p.m - (home from work) bowl of Kellogs Cereal
7:50p.m - Small Salad and water
Attempting to finish my stats assignment due 11pm tonight.
9:40p.m - Spicey Chicken Teriyaki (teriyaki sauce on the side) & 1/4C white rice (bad i know)

Nukka helps me with the last half of my homework (TENK U NUKKAAAAA) and am able to post it at 10:30pm (yay)!

I have to be at work by 7:45 a.m tomorrow - lawrd knows my ass CANNOT get up that early - but tomorrow is a must. So I will end this day with a 15 minute ab workout off FitTV and get ready for bed.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back at it....

In the last 2 years, I've gone from fit to fat, especially in the last 8 months with my Costochondritis . Since February, doctors orders was that I could no longer work out. That is, not until this "thing" was completely gone. So I stopped training with my trainer, Jason, and I let my gym membership expire...and wanted nothing but comfort food (aka. McDooDoo Happy Meals).

It wasn't until mid August that my chest pains were becoming less and less painful. So, I tried going for a run around the neighborhood (come out to about 1 mile)... chest was ok.
I tried it again the next day with my dog... a little discomfort...but not as bad as before.
Since I let my gym membership expire at Evolution AND being so out of shape, I had a plan to get my stamina back up before reinstating my membership.
So here I am, running outside when I can and/or doing workouts off of FitTV. I was doing this for a couple weeks and was starting to drop a little weight and feeling good about myself again!


I decide I want to spend some time with my friends baby for the weekend...

Lil Liam had the sniffles.... which for me turned into a fever, sore throat, and congested nose and chest. This lasted over two weeks.... and one of those sick weekends was spent in San Jose for a friends wedding! =/
Then I got Brian there goes his workout schedule too.

Just as we were getting back in the routine of eating right and working out... I get us sick!
Which means.... COMFORT FOOD & LAZINESS!!!

I wanted to wait till I was 100% better before getting on track again.

So on this Sunday afternoon, I went for a run/walk (mostly walk). I have A LOT of work to do!
In between work and school, I need to make time to do this. I used to participate in 5&10k's around Seattle all the time and want to get back on it. First one I want to train for - AND NOT WALK AT ALL - is the Jingle Bell Run on December 14.

My body is at its worst and I don't want to wait till I get any bigger than I already am! This weight gain has definitely taken a toll on my self-esteem and I don't want to feel this way anymore.

So what better way to make sure I stay on track than to make my goals public right?
I've got 40 lbs to lose in order to get back to when I was at my best physical shape.

Here's to getting back to being fit...and staying there!