Thursday, July 28, 2011

Still Sick....

It's been almost 2 weeks since working out.
So much time away from work. So many tests. And the Dr.'s still don't know what's wrong with me.

And to top it I have a bad cold/sore throat/fever to deal with. Yay.

A delay in my fitness goal. Just what I needed......

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Busy July so far....

Fourth of July weekend....
Saturday was Elsie's Grad Party in the afternoon, then David's last summer BBQ at his Issy pad for the rest of the evening....

Sunday was spent at Keith and MinhTri's place. A little pre-4th get together to just eat, hangout, and catch up =)

On the way home, we stopped by Sunset Hills Memorial in Bellevue to check out the Traveling Vietnam Wall Memorial. The Opening Ceremony was at 1pm. We didn't arrive till after 10pm, and volunteers were still reading off the names of all the soldier's on the wall.

When you hear the history of the war, you're told that "thousands of lives were lost"....
But it wasn't until seeing this wall and all the names engraved on it that it really hit me just how many. How many families lost a son/daughter. A husband/wife. A father/mother. A friend.
Yes, majority of the names are those of men. But what many may not realize is that there were also military women who died in the Vietnam War. Someone even left a list of canines that were lost in the war as well.

4th of July we stayed in and rested since the rest of the weekend was spent not at home =P
We did walk down to the Commons to at least catch the fireworks show.

July 8 was Bring Your Daughter and Son to Work Day. I brought my nephews again. This year we did Geocaching, decorated sugar cookies, and Lijee played this soccer kick thing a couple times - all stuff the boys didn't do last year.
And of course they played computer and video games over at the Visitor Center and bought goodies at the Company Store. =)

That Saturday was a busy one! Woke up early for my last Chiro appt., then headed to MinhTri's early so I could make my pasta salad dish to bring up to Lake Steven's for Kathy's Bridal Shower.
Thank you Captain Dennis for hosting Ms. Kat's shower at your beautiful home! And of course for letting us play on your jet skis and driving us around the lake on your awesome boat.
Can't wait to play on the lake again. This time we'll bring some testosterone for you to hang out with! LoL

Into the second week of July. Went to Crossfit Monday and Tuesday....still on a good streak!
Or so I thought.

Woke up Wednesday feeling "off." I planned on making it to the 630pm WOD then planned on heading over to Gena's to BBQ and catch SYTYCD. But I was feeling really fatigued for some reason. So I decided to just go home and rest. I ended up passing out.

Thursday, I wake up with a slight pain in my right side and lower back. And it's not the same kind of pain you would feel from sleeping in a bad position. =\
As the day progresses, the pain gets worse. Again, I feel fatigued by the end of my day.
Pain + fatigue = no crossfit. Again.

Friday...the pain is just bad. Every movement. Every deep breath. Hurts. Thank goodness my Dr. had an opening in the afternoon.
Gave a urine sample. They found traces of blood. Great.
So they drew blood to run some tests to see if I have a kidney infection. Left the Dr.'s with a prescription for antibiotics IF I have an infection.
Doctor's orders? Take my meds. Drink lots of water. Heat pack 4x a day. And REST. Rest from working out. And recommended I NOT do Warrior Dash.

Dammit =\

Well, Saturday came and my side still hurts. Certain movements still hurt. I know I SHOULD rest and let my body heal (whatever the heck is wrong with it), but......
I really want to do this Dash!
So....I pop 1000mg of ibuprofen first thing in the morning to see if it helps with the pain. And it does! Well...enough for me to be active without wincing in pain.

On the way to North Bend, the pain in my side starts coming back. So I wait till we get closer till I pop another 1000mg of ibuprofen. I know this is probably not good for my kidneys but...
I don't want to back out.

And I'm glad I didn't. The dash was a blast! We started together...we ended together. =)
Here's some pictures, but you can see more here.

The other's got to rest when they got home, but not me I had Kathy's bachelorette party to get to! I missed dinner, but I wanted to at least make it out to the bar hopping part.

Although there's been so many Faileo eating weekends, I have kept up on the no drinking part.
So....this was a sober night for me. But we kept Kathy nice and tipsy at least =)

I met up with the girls at Lucky Strike. Then MinhTri and I headed downstairs to McCormick's to get some coffee in her. Headed back to Lucky Strike to find that 3 of the girls called it a night and left. So the four of us left headed over and ended the night at Munch Bar/Dueling Piano Bar.

Two more weeks till the big day!!!

Since I pumped my body with too many drugs Saturday and did not rest as I should have, I'm feeling the after math. Pain is lingering. Ugh. So today....I really do rest.
I've been laying on my butt all day. I haven't cooked. Haven't cleaned. Nada.
I hate being unproductive. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate lazy days. But...I don't like doing that ALL DAY. But, I think I need to.
Two days left of meds. And sooner I can make myself feel better...the sooner I can get my butt back at the Box!

There's 3 more runs/challenges to do this year, so I need to get my butt back in gear!:

Oct 1: Hell Run

Who wants to play?!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

May/June Update

I swear every time I start "working" on myself...something goes wrong.
Finished Crossfit's "On-Ramp" mid-April. The last 2 weeks of April were just too busy that I couldnt make it in as often as I liked.

May - had a weekend getaway to San Fran with two of my fave gals, Z & MinhTri! The weather wasn't too bad. Windy least it didn't rain!
We walked around the Wharf, explored Saulsalito (cute town btw), and checked out some touristy sites like Alamo Park (Full House), and the crooked street, and Fisherman's Wharf. We HAD TO GO to Thanh Long's. Last time I was brought there, I was too sick to enjoy the food.
So this time around, the Roast Crab and Garlic Butter Noodles were AWESOME!!!

After a weekend of drinking and eating, I planned on getting myself back into running, going to practices and playing in our flag football games, and Crossfit at least 3x a week.
Well, I went to practice. We scrimmaged with another team that was on the field.
I got tackled. HARD. So hard I blacked out for a few seconds before I came to. The inside of my bottom lip had my bloddy teethprints. Headache from hell. Bruised kneecap. Aching neck and back.

Went to my Chiro and PT, and boy was I off. So....all activitiy put on hold till body was healed.

So no activity in May. Just PT and Chiro.
I decided no more football for me. I'd rather just run more and hit the gym than risk getting blindsided like that again.

So now comes June....
and my PT/Chiro give me the go ahead to start up my workouts. FINALLY.
To get myself on the right track, I put myself on a 7 week Paleo Challenge and get to my "box" 3-5 times a week. If work allows, I run 3-4 miles during lunch time. I wouldn't do this if there weren't showers on campus!

There are quite a few celebrations in June where I go Faileo...but that just means I worked extra hard to make up for eating bad:

First Saturday...Lijee's 9th Bday

Second Saturday...Elsie & Sheila's Graduation @ UW. Traffic was a b*tch!

Third Saturday...Valerie's Baby Shower.

Fourth Saturday...BDAY BBQ up in Everett (an MS colleague)- Pick up B from Edmonds train station - head to his sister's in Bothell to hang out with J and finish the give-aways for Made's baptism.
Last Sunday...Madelyne's Baptism - Reception at Thai Kitchen. Continue the party and more eating at sleepy Zamora house till it's time to bring J to the airport. =(

Considering there were a number of Faileo weekends in June, within the first 3 weeks of starting the challenge I dropped 5 lbs. and 1.25" from my waist =) Woohoo!
So far so good....and no injuries/sickness. Yet...
June was still pretty hectic with graduations, parties, and especially work. BUT...I somehow managed to find time to make it to Crossfit at least 4 times a week and I am loving how it makes me feel!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh my clavicles....

I have officially burned out my legs. Two days in a row with squatting included in the workout.
My left shoulder feels even worse today. Any forward/back left/right movement send this painful pinching feeling down my arm. It clicks with any up/down movement. So I was not looking forward toward the Cleans and Burpees.

Today's WOD: Gypsy Cab

First we warmed up with an 800m run, then...
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20 minutes of:

10 Hang Squat Cleans (145lbs)
10 Wall Balls 14lbs

Average rounds logged (103 users): 5 rounds
I did 4 rounds + 8 HSC's

I need to work on my cleans. The bar kept landing on my collar bone and now when I press along it (mostly the left side)...I notice a dent/dip/bruise. Oh man. No bueno.

First 3 RDS I did the WOD unmodified. But I guess Laurie noticed my constant wincing and quick shoulder massages after getting up from burpees.
So come my 4th round she modified the burpees with Star Jumps (still killer on the legs), and halfway through the Wall Balls she changed out my Med Ball from 14lbs to 12 lbs.
I won't be able to see a PT till Monday afternoon, so until then I'll need to modify push-ups, pull-ups, thrusts, burpees.....

Thanks Laurie and Kristina for another killer day and for helping me with my HSC form. I know I still need to work on this. That bar shouldn't be landing on my dang clavicle! No more dents =P

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dirty Doubles

AFAP with NO breaks in between.
Are you kidding me? Maybe...HOPEFULLY...later I can accomplish this. But for now, I needed to take a few seconds here and there. Especially between pull ups and push ups.

2 Rounds of:
30 Squats
20 Pullups
200m sandbag (30lbs) run - 40/30# - 1x

2 Rounds of:
30 Situps
20 Hand Release Push ups
200m sandbag (30lbs) run 1x

2 Rounds of:
30 Double unders
20 Box Jumps 24/20"

Finish with…
800m Run
My time -24:55

Fastest time:
MEN - 11:20
WOMEN - 13:18

Can we say AMAZING? Inspiring. I was dying after the first round of pull ups. It will take time for me to get this under 20min but I'm just glad I survived without puking!
Oh DD....I hate a good way =P

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Phys Ed

Still not 100% better so another day of lazy nothing. But we did go to night mass for Palm Sunday, then headed to ProClub to do today's WOD:

REPS: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3

DB Thrusters (15lbs)
KB Swings (20.4 lbs)

Finish with 800m Run


Saturday, April 16, 2011

For a good time call Fran @ 21-15-9.......

Graduation Day of On Ramp!

I hot tubbed some more Thursday night. Rested all Friday night. So this morning, I'm feeling 95% better! FINALLY.
And thank goodness too because today we ended On-Ramp with FRAN.

What is FRAN?

21 Thrusters
21 Pull ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pull ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull ups

Except with our WOD today, Joe added in 200m runs. Which I'm glad was added in because it gave us a chance to "rest" the arms. So today's FRAN for us was:

200m run
21 Thrusters
21 Pull ups
200m run
15 Thrusters
15 Pull ups
200m run
9 Thrusters
9 Pull ups

All Crossfit exercises are done as fast as you can, so you try to blitz through Fran, without pausing, resting or in any other way taking a break. But in my case...yeah right.
I had to rest a few seconds every 5-6 Thrusters, and every 3-5 pull ups.

My time - 23:19.

Thanks Joe and Laurie for showing us the ropes and keeping us motivated these past 2 weeks.
Looking forward to officially starting the pain come Monday!

I was going to head to Seattle for my cousins daughter's baptism afterwards, but my mom said by the time I would make it out there ppl would be leaving. So...I missed.
Sorry Jamie & Rodney =(

So, I head over to the sports field over by the Commons to watch our Football Game. Pink Team (the team I signed up for but have yet to attend any practices or games =P) won!
Try to throw the football around with B for a bit but....SOMEONE sucks at throwing a football.
And it's not me. Let's just say...I have an "injury" from attempting to play catch. =(
Swollen (possibly sprained) finger.

Great. One thing after that other.

2 week migraine.
2 weeks of vertigo.
Sprained finger.

What's next?

Can I just be UNBROKEN for awhile please?!